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Practices for Awakening Joy and Inner Peace

A Virtual Retreat


“This is just what i’ve been looking for in helping me move forward in the continuous journey to take better care of my whole self”


At this time of year and especially with all that is happening in the world right now, it is easy to get stuck in negative thinking during the temporary darkness of winter.

Join me from the comfort of your own snug and cosy nest to experience yoga practices that reconnect you to the flow of joy and innate luminosity within.


“Your practices are authentic, down to earth and challenging ( in a good way) whilst possessing a huge amount of knowledge you clearly teach from a place of embodiment and intuition. None of these qualities were lost online. They came across superbly!”

This is the recording of a recent virtual weekend retreat that took place over 5 sessions which you will be able to replay in your own time as often as you like. I will share with you some of the ancient yoga practices I learned in India for awakening our innate inner resilience and joy and help us to navigate successfully through this time of temporary darkness.


“ It felt like a private one to one class with the added advantage of watching again later...a big thank you, this weekend was just what I needed”

During this retreat we will practice together:


  • Yoga asana to enliven and awaken prana in every cell of the body
  • Guided pranayama practices to connect to our inner light.
  • Discussions on yoga philosophy from the yoga sutras the root texts on the science of inner awakening.
  • Meditation practices to create inner radiance and clarity and a deep connection to our calm centre.
  • Q&A and guidance to help you establish a home practice


Treat yourself to this unique experiential course that will give you the tools to become established in your inner light and uplift your spirits for the year ahead. 


“ This course has helped me join the dots and see how through these practices I can get back to that place of magical calmness in such stressful times”


If you have any doubts about your physical or mental health please gain permission from your doctor about your suitability for this course. This course is not suitable if you are currently suffereing from clinical depression.

Practices for Awakening Joy & Inner Peace

£120.00 Regular Price
£60.00Sale Price
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